Introducing the Western Queensland Alliance of Councils

The Western Queensland Alliance of Councils (WQAC) is a new collaboration of the three regional organisations of councils in Western Queensland - North West Regional Organisation of Councils (NWQROC), Remote Area Planning and Development Board (RAPAD), and South West Local Government Association (SWLGA - covering 60 per cent of the State.

Our three bodies represent 21 Councils across the north west, central west and south west of Queensland. This area makes a major contribution to the economies of Queensland and Australia. We have come together under the banner of the WQAC to represent the views of our 21 rural and remote councils on matters of common concern in the State’s far west.

Leaders from across our region will come together for the Western Queensland Alliance of Councils Inaugural Assembly in Longreach on 28-29 July.  The program for the event will include:

  • Introducing the Alliance’s 2020 State Election Platform & Priorities for the West

  • Provide  an opportunity  to hear from, and meet  Federal and State Ministers,  Shadow Ministers,  Local Members and Director Generals

  • Establish the networks and relationships to start a new era of representing Western Queensland.

Find out more about the Assembly.