As investors look beyond CBDs, a collective of South West Queensland councils are aiming to seize the day with an ambitious  new initiative to showcase their region.

Balonne, Bulloo, Maranoa Regional, Murweh, Paroo and Quilpie Shire Councils have united to launch one of the most aggressive investment attraction campaigns ever undertaken for their region.

The group are calling on government, investors, and businesses to look South West and discover the region’s accessibility, amazing lifestyle, and affordability. The project targets big and small investment - corporate growers, industry, tourism operators and road houses, along with health professionals, tradies, retailers and everything in-between.

The initiative was made possible thanks to a $300,000 funding boost through the Queensland Government’s Remote Area Boards Program.

Assistant Minister for Local Government Nikki Boyd was delighted to see the Sustaining our Region for a Productive Future project underway.

“The South West is ready to embrace investment and innovation so the Palaszcuk Government is committed to doing everything we can to support the region,” Ms Boyd said.

“This project is exactly why the Remote Area Boards funding program is so vital to the regions, it ensures these communities have just as much opportunity as other cities when it comes to jobs and economic growth.

“Queensland’s plan for economic recovery is already underway and it’s all about creating jobs through investment opportunities like this.”

Chair of the South West Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils (SWQROC), Balonne Shire Mayor Cr Samantha O’Toole said this was a significant step for the region as it looked to harness the many opportunities across the South West and drive growth.

“The platform brings together many online resources and a regional investment prospectus that puts our region’s people, businesses and industries front and centre, showcasing the great successes and potential we have ready to go,” Mayor O’Toole said.

“Perhaps just about the only positive of COVID-19 is that it has reawakened interest in regional Australia. Our major cities will always be a magnet to investors but a region like ours, which covers almost one fifth of Queensland, has extraordinary opportunities for those ready to make the move”.

“South West Queensland, which includes the towns of Roma, Quilpie, St George, Cunnamulla, Charleville and Thargomindah, is a critical contributor to state and national economies, providing around $3 billion in gross regional product annually. Further investment will only serve to boost this contribution through improved business confidence, more jobs and hopefully more people moving to our communities”.

“As the platform shows, South West Queensland has a lot to offer and can play an even greater, more diversified role and we’re ready to do just that. This is so much more than just an investment prospectus; we are talking about a comprehensive, proactive social media and advertising campaign targeting and engaging with prospective investors Australia-wide,” she said.

Chair of SWQROC’s Economic Development Advisory Committee, Paroo Shire Mayor Cr Suzette Beresford said the new platform reinforced the group’s strategic direction and ongoing work aimed at tackling critical barriers to economic and community development.

“The South-West has so much potential waiting to be realised. We are home to Australia’s biggest sale yards, are serviced by more than six airports, have high-speed internet throughout most of the region and are a major centre for agricultural production,” Mayor Beresford said.

“By working together we’re able to make a real impact and provide an attractive proposition to those looking to invest in individual communities or scale up and do business across South West Queensland.  We’ve done the leg work and are ready to open the door to highly engaged and accessible decision makers from across local government, community agencies and industry”.

“Our accessibility, amazing lifestyle, and affordability have already seen many businesses develop and grow and we believe there are still ‘boundless’ opportunities to be seized in South West Queensland.  We have the infrastructure in place and are experiencing a wave of economic growth which demonstrates the level of interest we will be expanding on.”

SWQROC is a not-for-profit local government-based Association that works for its member councils and with other levels of government, communities and relevant stakeholders to positively create and shape the future of South West Queensland.

Regional Investment Prospectus (Click here to download PDF)